Healing Crystal Bracelets for Manifestation.

How To Manifest With Crystals and Crystal Jewelry. A Step By Step Guide.



Do you struggle to understand how to manifest a life of pure abundance?

Healing crystals and crystal bracelets are an excellent manifestation tool that can transform your life forever, and get you hooked on wearing these beautiful gems around all day long.



How to manifest with crystals


Whether your goal is to prosper financially, become a more healthier version of yourself, or find true love, crystals can give meaning to your intentions and give your energy a direction to travel through. This leads you to take inspired action towards your goals so you can become the most abundant version of yourself. 


But what’s the secret to manifesting with crystals and how do you actually use these colorful stones to manifest your dreams and desires? I’ll be answering these questions for you below in this week’s episode of Manifest With Crystals


To understand how to use crystals for manifestation we must first understand the significance of crystals and how they relate to our thoughts and daily intentions.




Everything in our universe is made of energy and all energy moves and vibrates. Everything that we can see - our body, the people around us, the coffee table in our living room, trees, rocks, crystals - and all the things we can’t see - atoms, air, light, our thoughts, other people’s thoughts, and feelings - vibrate at a specific frequency. 


With this in mind, each healing stone holds its own unique properties and has a particular vibration that arises from its molecular composition and radiates into the universe. Crystals are also unique due to their magnetic tendencies, being able to absorb negative energies from our mind, body, and spirit. In return they give us fresh vibes that can uplift our mood, mind, and mental health in a similar way that essential oils and aromatherapy do. 


Just like crystals, our thoughts and feelings vibrate and radiate a signal into the universe and in turn attract a matching signal back. This process, referred to as the Law of Attraction, states that ‘like attracts like’. When the energy of our thoughts and feelings vibrate at the same frequency as the thing that we are seeking, the universe goes above and beyond to turn it into reality.


So to manifest all the beautiful things we desire in life we must tune our thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions to the same exact frequency as our desires.  


Since crystals are all naturally extracted from the earth they retain the energies of the sun, moon, and ocean (all natural healing energies). Placing crystals on our body or wearing a crystal bracelet on our wrist allows them to emit those positive vibrations into our mind and body. 


By combining these powerful vibrations with our own clear intentions, crystals and crystal bracelets become an excellent manifestation tool creating a clear connection between your thoughts, energy, and your desired transformation. This alignment gives you the power to manifest lasting change across all areas of your life, no matter what your goals are.


 Crystal bracelet laying on crystal for manifestation




There are many different types of crystals you can incorporate into your manifestation practice however, some may seem more convenient than others. To manifest with crystals, you must use them consistently so they can assist you with your desired intention. For this reason, one of the most convenient and popular ways to incorporate these stones into your everyday life is by carrying them with you as crystal bracelets on your wrist.


Because bracelets are worn on your wrist rather than placed in your pocket or purse they are very easily spotted by your eyes all day long as you type on your computer, drink your coffee, cook, journal, sit at a table, walk around, etc. Spotting the crystals consistently on your wrist makes them a great reminder of your intention and affirmations. Every time you catch a glimpse of your Crystal Bracelet you take a deep breath and repeat your affirmation. This makes them a very powerful tool to rewire your subconscious mind one affirmation at a time. Spotting the bracelet all day also serves as a great reminder to make decisions and take the right actions towards your goals.


 Journaling and manifest with crystals


Wearing crystal bracelets compared to other types of jewelry or loose crystals also allows you to combine different protective stones with different protective qualities into one powerful piece of jewelry that can benefit you in many areas of your life. everlur crystal bracelets have all been specifically designed for manifestation and transformation and follow this step by step guide.




Now that you understand WHY crystals are used in manifestation practices we can dive into how to actually use them. If you believe in the magical powers of crystals and make it a habit to follow this step by step guide on a daily basis, there are no limitations as to what you can manifest in your life.

Every everlur manifestation bracelet is intentionally designed to follow the below step by step guide to help you keep your crystals close and your thoughts and intentions clear. 



Cleanse your crystals.

Like I mentioned above, natural crystals absorb the negative energy in their environment to help make space for new energy to flow into your life. To benefit from their qualities all day long it is important that you keep your raw crystals and crystal jewelry cleansed specially when you first receive them. Review How To Cleanse Crystals – Clean, Cleanse, & Charge Crystals & Crystal Jewelry for easy to follow steps. To ensure you receive the most high vibe piece of jewelry in the mail all everlur manifestation bracelets are thoroughly cleansed with sage and charged with the vibrations of crystal singing bowls before they are shipped out to you.



Build a connection with your crystals. 

The following activation prayer is a ritual for you to connect with and attune to your crystals. You can do this activation once or whenever you feel called. My recommendation is to listen to your intuition and repeat it as often as needed.


 Wearing a crystal bracelet and holding hands to your heart to manifest with crystals


Crystal Activation Prayer 

1) Wear your crystal bracelet on your wrist, hold your hands to your heart, and read the below Prayer to activate your crystals with your intention.


I hereby activate and dedicate this crystal bracelet to be my magical tool for healing. I believe and fully trust in the energy and open my heart to receive it’s blessings every day. From this day on I choose to release what doesn’t serve me to make space for new beginnings. I surrender my desires and trust in the divine timing of the universe. This bracelet is now a part of me and my guide to ultimate fulfillment and manifestation.

So be it. So it is.


Click here to download and print a free PDF version of the activation prayer. I recommend taping it to your mirror so you have it ready to go when needed. 


 Prayer card to manifest with crystals



3 Minute Daily Crystal Manifestation Routine

1) When you wake up in the morning place your bracelet on your wrist and close your eyes.


 2) Take a few deep breaths.


 3) Focus on your specific intention and be “crystal” clear about what you want.


When you work with crystals and stones, intention is key. Passive and empty gestures don't work. Your crystals need your presence and intention to absorb your energy and radiate it to the universe. So if there is only one thing you do when you wear your crystals every morning, it is to be conscious about that gesture. 

Be there, even if it’s for just a few seconds. This is the best way to inform your mind and body that you have access to this special support during the day and can ask the energy of your crystals to guide you.

If you have an everlur bracelet you can also focus on the particular affirmation that comes with your bracelet card. If you don’t have one check out everlur’s product pages to get inspiration or you can also choose any affirmation that resonates with you.


4) Repeat your affirmation 3 times out loud. 


Here’s the kicker:

Saying your affirmation out loud and speaking the words powerfully with emotion behind your tone is 10 times more powerful than whispering it or even silently repeating it. The more emotion you put behind your words the easier it is for your subconscious mind to classify them as truth.


5) Take 2 minutes (more or less depending on the amount of time you have) to visualize what it FEELS like to already have what you desire.  


For example, if you desire physical or mental health, visualize yourself strong, healthy and energetic going on a beautiful hike breathing in the cold air, feeling alive, and unstoppable. Really FEEL yourself celebrating your achievement and continue to repeat your affirmations. 


6) Go about your day and use your bracelet as a daily reminder of your specific intention. Every time you catch a glimpse of your bracelet throughout the day take a deep breath and repeat your affirmation.


7) When a negative thought triggers you, simply notice it, give yourself the permission to feel it without judgement, and say to yourself: Thank you for protecting me. I'm safe. I'm secure. I know this is not the truth. The truth is that I'm worthy of manifesting xyz!  


8) Listen to your intuition throughout your day and take inspired action towards your goals.


That little voice that you usually tell to shut up is your internal guidance system that wants nothing more than for you to succeed so Listen To It! Learn to listen to your heart, your intuition, your gut, whatever you want to call it. Listen and Take Action! The universe is communicating with you and the more you walk towards the guidance that’s given to you the more magic you will experience in your life. 




With so many different crystals out there, choosing one or two that are right for you and align to your manifestation intention can be quite overwhelming. You might find yourself reading countless articles about crystal properties and be more confused than clear on which one to pick.

If you find yourself in this place, I highly recommend to simply use your intuition to choose the right crystal or piece of jewelry for you. Your intuition always knows what your mind and body need and will guide you to the crystal that will benefit you the most.


Use these 2 simple methods to tap into your intuition and select the right crystals for you:


1. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, bring your awareness to the crown of your head and just see which crystal pops into your mind first. Trust that this is the right crystal for you.

2. Look at a few images of crystals and see which one immediately stands out to you based on shape, color, name, or property. Trust that whichever crystal you feel the most drawn to, is the right one for you.


Everlur manifestation bracelets combine specific crystals into one powerful piece of jewelry so you can easily choose one that aligns to your intention. Check out our collections and use the above methods to pick the right one for you. 


Manifest confidence with the confidence crystal bracelet


  • Peggy : September 09, 2023
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    I need reassuring

  • Shokouh (everlur): November 09, 2021
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    Hi Love, we are so glad that you enjoyed this article. Please subscribe to our newsletter. We send weekly emails with more information regarding crystals and their properties.

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