Natural angelite crystal for healing

4 Reasons Why Angelite Is A Great Healing Crystal For Stress And Anxiety

If you have ever suffered from anxiety and stress, you know how frustrating it can be. Healing crystals can be a great alternative and complementary healing tool to find relief from anxiety and here is why:

Crystals are conduits of healing energy that emit positive vibrations into your mind and body.


By combining these powerful vibrations with clear intentions, crystal bracelets become an excellent healing tool creating a clear connection between your thoughts, energy, and your desired transformation.


This realignment gives you the power to manifest lasting change across all areas of your life, no matter what your goals are.


Angelite is a very peaceful and calming healing crystal that can work wonders for relief from stress and anxiety. Here are 4 reasons why angelite is a great healing stone for stress and anxiety:


1. Angelite has a gentle and calming energy

Angeline’s gentle and calming energy helps to banish negative emotions such as anger, fear, and anxiety by converting them into feelings of peace and serenity.


2. Angelite is a reminder that your angels are watching over you

This beautiful light blue stone, also known as Blue Anhydrite or Angel Stone, is a reminder of the invisible realm. The popular belief is that Angelite enhances your spiritual connection to source, angels, and the divine.

While heightening your awareness of the divine, Angelite entails a reassuring energy that your angels are watching over you and will carry you through any stressful and anxiety inducing situation.


3. Angelite helps you to surrender and trust

If you have ever experienced anxiety and depression, then you know that it comes with feelings of despair, frustration, and helplessness.

Having the gentle energy of Angelite nearby to remind you that you are divinely taken care of and that it is okay to surrender and trust, can be very comforting.


4. Angelite will make you feel loved and supported

When you tune in to the power of Angelite, you will raise your consciousness to feel loved and supported.

You will know that all is going to be well.

You will know that you are not alone.

You will show yourself compassion.

You will forgive yourself for feelings of stress, anger, and anxiety.




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